Twice baked potatoes on the grill

Start with two 6-7″ Russet (Idaho) potatoes.

Wash potatoes with cold water

Place 2 potatoes on a paper towel on a plate.

Using a fork, stab the top of the potatoes deep enough to simply pierce the skin and allow moisture/steam to escape.

To speed up the cooking process, place plate of potatoes into microwave.

Cook in microwave on High for 15 minutes, flipping the taters over every 5 mins.

After they have been in the micro for 15 mins, remove from microwave and allow to cool 5-10 mins or until they are cool enough to touch.  This is a good time to begin pre-heating your grill.  Heat to medium (400 degrees give or take)

Next, cut the potato length-wise, removing the top 1/3 of the tater.

Now, grab a spoon and gently begin scooping the “meat” out of the potato and place it into a medium size bowl, thus turning the potato into a tater boat.  Try to leave about 1/4″ of the potato against the skin for strength.

Tater boat

Tater boat

In the bowl that you scooped the innards into, add 1/2 cup sour cream, 2/3 cup cheddar cheese, 1 tbsp minced parsley (parsley flakes will work too), a little salt and pepper, and mix around.  Don’t over-mix the filling, leave it chunky.

Tater filling

Scoop the mixture back into the tater boats.  There should be a little too much mixture left over after filling the boats.  Om nom nom…

I like to add bacon pieces on top of my potatoes.  Any salad bacon toppers work fine for this.

Place the potatoes directly on the grill and cook for approximately 10-15 mins.  Try to keep the lid down so that the heat permeates all sides of the taters.

Tater 1

Tater 1

Tater 2 - with bacon pieces

Tater 2 - with bacon pieces

Remove the potatoes once they start to become golden and you can see the cheese mixture starting to bubble out.

Twice baked potatoes, fresh off the grill!

Twice baked potatoes, fresh off the grill!

Twice baked potato with thin-cut NY Strip steak (Montreal steak seasoning), both grilled.

Twice baked potato with thin-cut NY Strip steak (Montreal steak seasoning), both grilled.

Om nom nom!

Sequentially run all VB Script (.vbs) files in a directory

Create a new C# Console Application in Visual Studio and compile the code.  Copy the compiled .exe file to the directory containing the .vbs scripts you want to run in sequence.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
* Developer: Tom Gee
* Date: April 6, 2010
* Description: This .exe file will run every .VBS file in the same directory
*              as the .exe, but will wait for the current .VBS script to end
*              before beginning the next.
namespace RunAllVBSinDirectory
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string[] scripts = Directory.GetFiles(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), “*.vbs”);
int i = 0;
foreach (string script in scripts)
Console.WriteLine(“Running: ” + script);
using (Process exeProcess = Process.Start(script))
Console.WriteLine(“Ran all ” + i + ” script files in current directory (” + Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + “)“);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine(“ERROR! ” + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + “Inner Exception: ” + ex.InnerException + Environment.NewLine + “Stack Trace: ” + ex.StackTrace);

New theme

Rachel had a fantastical idea. Why not have a blog about something I hold near and dear to my heart? For those who don’t know me well enough, I’m talking about food! So hold on to your lug nuts, because here we go!