Mirror drivers don’t support Aero effects

I noticed that my Windows 7 Aero effect was not enabled yesterday after an IT tech had DameWared to my PC to help with an issue I was having. When I went into the Control Panel and “Troubleshoot Aero Effects” option, I received the following error message: “Mirror drivers don’t support Aero effects” and the Troubleshooting dialog was unable to resolve the issue.

Aero Error

Aero Error

To resolve this, open your Device Manager, expand Display Adapters and Disable the “Dameware Development Mirror Driver 64-bit” driver.

Device Manager > Display Adapters

Disable Dameware Adapter

Click “Yes” to disable the device.

Click “Yes” to disable the device

Click “Yes” to restart your computer.

Click “Yes” to restart your computer



To stop DameWare from installing/using the MRC Mirror Driver, open DameWare Mini Remote Control, click the View menu, and choose Default Host Properties…

DameWare MRC Default Host Properties

Click on the Mirror Driver tab and UNCHECK the Use MRC’s Mirror Driver if available option.

Uncheck the “Use MRC’s Mirror Driver if available” option

Google+ (G+) Text Formatting

For BOLD text, use an asterisk (*) symbol at the beginning and end of a word (or words).

Example: *Google Plus Bold* = Google Plus Bold

For ITALICS, use an underscore (_) symbol at the beginning and end of a word (or words).

Example: _Google Plus Italics_ = Google Plus Italics

For STRIKETHROUGH, use a hyphen (-) symbol at the beginning and end of a word (or words).

Example: -Google Plus Strikethrough- = Google Plus Strikethrough